– no longer than 3 double-spaced pages each. Paper should be 12 pt type, with one inch margins.no longer than 3 double-spaced pages each. Paper should be 12 pt type, with one inch margins.
– all conventions of attribution and notation. Quotes and paraphrasing must be explicitly cited. Memos found to include plagiarized material will be given an automatic “zero” and no make-up paper will be allowed.
– topic:
Al Qaida’s Attack Against the United States, September 11, 2001
– Baseline Case to Analyze: How do you explain the decision by Al Qa’ida to target the United States with an attack on September 11, 2001
– Assignment Questions:
- On September 11, 2001, members of al Qa’ida targeted New York City and Washington D.C. with attacks. Why did AQ target the U.S. with attacks?
- What did AQ hope to achieve?
- Why did they launch it in September 2001 as opposed to another time?
- Was the attack successful? Of so, why? If not, why not?
– Answer these questions:
1. Who are the key actors?
2. What is each trying to maximize?
3. What are their available actions/capabilities?
4. How does the chosen action help them maximize this goal?
5. What are their beliefs about the opponent’s response?
6. How do you respond to objections and alternative views?
– General advice for the paper:
§Don’t Include language like “According to Milner in Interests, Institutions, and Information
§ Don’t include Floating quotes (usually don’t quote at all)
§ don’t explicitly mention game theory. “Now I will use game theory to analyze this event.”
§ don’t rhetorically ask questions (“Why is suicide terrorism so successful?”)
I Included the reading in the file !!!!
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