Complete a 4 page summary based on your readings in Ch 16 As you read the chapters, think about pertinent issues and the relationship of these factors to situation outcomes. As you prepare your paper, You have to respond to the following questions: How much time and effort should an information technology (IT) department devote to scanning for and analyzing emerging technologies? What are your responses to Bernie Ruben’s three questions in taking action on the blog issue at IVK: What if anything should we do about this blog entry? What should be our general policy about blogging based on inside information from within the company? What should be our process for spotting emerging technologies and analyzing them to see how they might be relevant to use for better or worse? Which of the three proposed processes should IVK sue for enforcing infrastructure technology standards? Recommend and justify. Is IT standardization and innovation (or flexibility) in conflict in an organization like IVK? What do you think of the kid’s toolkit approach to management? Use academic writing standards and APA style guidelines, citing references as appropriate, with at least 3 crediable resources. * Do not copy from any online sources *Google is not an academic source. *Make sure to address all answers for above questions in the paper.

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