–Your paper should be at least 1500 words (Word document, 1” page margin, 12-point Times New Roman font, and 1.2-1.5 spaces between lines).

–Your paper must have a title that reflects its running theme.

–For this essay assignment, address the following three questions. The best paper will be able to weave all of them together to make a coherent and convincing argument, as well as suggesting your own original insights into the book.

–Cite specific examples from the Hiroshima and the textbook to support your points.

Essay Questions:

  1. What was Nakazawa’s purpose in creating Barefoot Gen and writing his life story? Explain the obstacles that he had to overcome in order to do so.
  2. Examine the issue of historical responsibility for the decision to drop the atomic bomb. What did it achieve? Was it justified? Who did Nakazawa hold responsible for the suffering and tragedies of the people of Hiroshima?
  3. How did Nakazawa judge the actions of both the United States and Japanese governments to be self-serving and hypocritical? How do such problems of historical forgetting compel us to reflect on the tangled modern histories of these two countries? Explain with reference to specific historical examples.
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