So, this week we are going to take a look at your State (and any other State that you choose) to see how they are doing economically compared to the others. Business Insider has ranked from 1-51 in terms of unemployment rate, job growth, per-capita GDP, GDP growth, average weekly wages, and wage growth. Yes, there is 51 spots – remember D.C. (District of Columbia) is not a State, but it is still part of the Union. You may be surprised to find out where your State ranks.

After you have found your State, I want you to compare the data to another State of your choice. How did your State fare? What was better or worse? Now, think about why and research. Why are the two States faring the way they did? Is this a good or bad thing? Remember, you don’t have to be number one on the list if that is not what the culture of your State is all about.

The reason we are doing this is because the National economy is based upon the various State economies. There is an old saying that goes “a chain is only as strong as its weakest link”. Let’s put that to the test. Here is the listing, have fun:

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