Consumer Behavior

Assignment Week 2b

Reflective Journal

Advertising Perception

As consumers we are bombarded with advertisements. Sometimes those advertisements are intentional and sometimes they are unintentional. The messages from these advertisements vary but one thing they all have in common is that a goal of advertisements is to persuade the consumer to make certain product selections.

During one day of the week, pay special attention to the advertisements you encounter. These advertisements can be on television, radio, magazines, social media and Internet or, billboards. Reflect on the advertisements you saw during your day. Site 5 specific advertisements and discuss them including your perception of those advertisements. What were they trying to accomplish? Were they subliminal in nature?

Your work should be at least 500 words and draw from your own personal thoughts and ideas. This journal entry should be written in first person and if you use information from the textbook or lecture be sure to cite your sources.

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