Write a 4–5 page paper in which you analyze a personal learning experience based on theories of learning and cognition and formulate strategies to improve a learning situation in a provided scenario.


Think about examples of how your own behavior can change due to conditioning effects—how rewards and punishments have shaped your own behavior over the years. What role have rewards and punishments played in your life? For example, how did your parents encourage you to learn multiplication tables or drive a car? Even job incentives can be framed in terms of rewards and punishments to improve employee performance.

In preparation for this assessment, research behaviorism and some of the classic studies conducted by John Watson and B. F. Skinner. It is important to understand the basic principles of behaviorism and how behaviorism fits into psychology research today. Find a peer-reviewed research study published within the last 8 years that addresses the theory or treatment of phobias.


For this assessment, address the following:

  1. Conditioning treatment of phobias. Find a peer-reviewed research study published within the last 8 years that addresses the theory or treatment of phobias. Summarize the methods used and the conclusions made, and describe the key aspects of the research that reflect behaviorist principles.
  2. Conditioning related to personal behavior. Describe how conditioning explains changes in your own behavior that you have observed, either at work or at home. Provide three examples. (If your examples are from personal experience, your descriptions may be in first person.) Be sure to relate theory and research to your examples. For example, you might describe how behavioral theory would explain your learning process in that situation. Cite scholarly articles to support your conclusions.
  3. Relevance of conditioning today. Analyze how behaviorism is still relevant today. What are the limits of behaviorism? Are there processes that it does not explain well? For example, behaviorists believed that babies and children learned language through rewards and punishments, but today we know that language learning is a much more complex process. The behaviorist approach was not sufficient to explain the totality of language learning.

Strive to be as concise as possible and limit the length of your completed assessment to 5–6 pages of content, in addition to a title page and a references page. Support your statements and analyses with references and citations from at least three resources.

Additional Requirements

  • Include a title page and a references page.
  • Use at least three resources.
  • Follow APA format. Note: You may use the APA Paper Template linked in the Resources. This resource is not required.This resource is not required.
  • Use 12-point, Times New Roman font.
  • Double-space your paper.
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