Part One:
Identify the genres of the 9 readings below listed alphabetically by author’s last name, briefly explaining your choice:
- Chinua Achebe, “Dead Man’s Path”
- Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, “A Private Experience”
- Joshuah Bearman, “How the CIA Used a Fake Sci Fi Flick to Rescue Americans from Tehran”
- Amy Bloom, “Silver Water”
- Marianne Boretz, “Commentary on Week 1; Relationships”
- John Cheever, “Reunion”
- Jonathan Gottschall, “Fiction Addiction”
- James Grippando, “Operation Northwoods”
- Ursula K. LeGuin, The Lathe of Heaven
- List them chronologically giving the date of publication from the oldest to the newest date with titles in quotation marks and correct capitalization.
- Beside each title, list the genre each belongs to, using the designations below and a brief description of the work including why you classified it as you did.
- For each entry say whether it is first or third person narration, either limited or omniscient. Quote from the work to show this.
- Here are your choices for genre identification:
- novel (fiction), a fictitious prose narrative of book length
- short story(fiction), a fictitious prose narrative usually running no more than 25-30 pages
- piece of narrative journalism(non fiction), a non-fiction account that uses literary styles and techniques to create mostly factually accurate narratives
- article(non fiction), a written work published in a print or electronic medium for the purpose of propagating research results or academic analysis.
- autobiography (non fiction) the writer’s life story told in the writer’s first person voice
Example: Charlotte Perkins Gilman, “The Yellow Wallpaper” (Links to an external site.) (1899) Short story– a first person narrator named Jane, not Charlotte, tells the story. Thus it is fiction not autobiography. It’s not a book-length work meaning that it’s a short story, not a novel.
Part Two:
How is The Lathe of Heaven different from the other readings? Consider both content and form.
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