The Artist’s Journey is a narrative retelling of your life as an artist. This essay should not be a list of every event in your life; it should only focus on the events that fostered your development as an artist. It should be written in the first person (using “I”). You must describe important events and experiences that made you want to be an artist. You must also explain what you have learned that has affected your artistic endeavors.

Your Artist’s Journey essay should include all of the following narrative elements:

an engaging beginning, a middle, and an end
analysis of the key events that caused you to focus on a particular art genre or major and led you to become an artist
sufficient sensory detail to engage the reader and to “show” rather than “tell” your story
details about the social or cultural environment (setting) influencing your decisions
Your essay should be 750–1250 words.Your instructor may give you a more specific length requirement.

Include your name, course number and section, the date, your instructor’s name, and a title at the top of your essay.

Use one of the following fonts: Arial, Times New Roman, Courier, or Verdana. The size of the font should be 12 point.

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