- Create MySQL Workbench (*.mwb) file containing the data model you have built showing your initial impression of the design needed for storing the data for a menu item.
- Create a Data Diagram that contains all of the tables and relations you have built.
- Submit the MySQL Workbench model file (*.mwb) for the model and diagram you have created.
Refer to the provided resources to gain insight into some of the issues involved that need to be considered when designing a relational database, such as some of the following questions:
- How are multiple items belonging to one menu item supposed to be stored, such as a list of ingredients?
- Can the ingredients all be stored as a part of the recipes table, or does that conflict with the basic tenets of relational database design?
- Is it okay to store the same data in more than one place?
- Do certain data need to be stored across multiple tables?
- What types of relations are involved between all of the data that comprise a single menu item?
- Should preparation and cooking time be stored as a number or text since the total time is needed and the calculation must be performed?
These are just a few of the important points to consider as a part of relational database design.
- Create MySQL Workbench (*.mwb) file containing the data model you have built showing your initial impression of the design needed for storing the data for a menu item.
- Create a Data Diagram that contains all of the tables and relations you have built.
- Submit the MySQL Workbench model file (*.mwb) for the model and diagram you have created.
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