My chosen topic is ATTACHED…you must stick with my PTSD TOPIC!!!
Using the library continue to search for more journal articles on your chosen topic. Use only PRIMARY sources.
Write a post about your research. You must use the following format for your post, using numerous headings to label and separate each different part of the assignment.
Write a post with three sections (without numbers) using headings:
(1) findings (2) outline (3) references
*** Use the topic of your project as the title of your paper (not your name or the name of the assignment or anything else).
(1) Expected Findings – Brief paragraph or two.
– Summarize the major findings in the literature about your topic that you propose to teach your classmates through your presentation in Learning Activity 7. Explain the main points and findings relevant to your topic that have been published in the literature, including terms, concepts, theories, and definitions. What are the commonly accepted ideas and conclusions about your topic in the published literature in the field of psychology?
(2) Develop an outline that will guide you in completing the PowerPoint presentation you will submit next week (read the description of Learning Activity 7 now).
The outline must describe briefly each part of the project and explain how each part fits in, and contributes to the goal of your presentation. Each section must be briefly explained. Use headings and subheadings as necessary.
IMPORTANT: Do not just list the headings of the outline without explaining them. Write in complete sentences. Do not use incomplete bullets or lists.
(3) References: The sources you used in APA format. Use at least three PRIMARY sources to support your work. Do not use the textbook.
— All assignments must start with an APA title page and end with an APA reference page.
NOTE: Do not use personal pronouns in the Learning Activities (ex. do not write using I, me, my, us, we, our, etc.)
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