Different Organizations that my classmates have chosen
*The Christ Hospital – This hospital provides all medical needs and specialties to the Cincinnati Tristate area including Northern Kentucky and Southeastern Indiana areas. This facility serves all age ranges from pediatric to elderly patients.
*Shriners Hospital for children – Northern California. Shriner’s hospital is a specialized pediatric hospital that provides treatments for burns, clift lips, orthopedic conditions, specialized plastic surgery and spinal cord injuries. Shriner Children’s hospital provides care for families throughout Northern California, Western and the Northwestern United States; as well as Mexico and Canada.
*Children’s Mercy Hospital it is one of the best pediatric Hospitals in the country, they care for children from birth to 21 years old. They combine clinical care, research, and medical education in their services. They cover areas of Missouri and Kansas
Add 2 slides to the powerpoint located in the attachment below and Answer the question ( Describe ways each organization will communicate with leadership to ensure alignment of organizational goals and gain buy-in from staff to achieve compliance with the standards and requirements issued by regulatory and accreditation bodies.)
includes pictures and speaker notes as well
Don’t forget to add your references on the reference slide
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