Topics for Network Security Research Paper and Presentation

The majority of the paper MUST address the highlighted topic below as it relates to Network Security. Specific hardware, software, service or systems may be used as short examples but should only represent a small portion of the total paper.

How can Descriptive Analytics, Predictive Analytics and Prescriptive Analytics be used in Network Security analysis and remediation Requirements: • Main Topic 1: Define Descriptive Analytics and describe how it can be used in Network Security analysis and remediation • Main Topic 2: Define Predictive Analytics and describe how it can be used in Network Security analysis and remediation • Main Topic 3: Define Prescriptive Analytics and describe how it can be used in Network Security analysis and remediation

• Content: o 7-10 double-spaced pages (at least 7 pages), using 12-font Calibri-Body. ▪ The Cover Page, Reference Page and any space needed for pictures/images are not included in the required pages. ▪ Make sure Paragraph Line Spacing is set to double-spaced with 0 before and 0 after. o 7-10 references (at least 7 references) of which 2 must be Peer Reviewed.

▪ Include a Reference page at the end of the document for each reference used (ordered alphabetically by last name). • Ensure each citation within the text is included on the reference page. • Ensure each reference on the reference page has at least one citation within the text. o Include all References as the last page of the Powerpoint Presentation as indicated in the Powerpoint Project template.( References should be Scholarly )

• Once the paper is completed, add an Overview to the start of the paper. The Overview must contain at least one Hypothesis (see Rubric) and a Synopsis of what is contained in the paper. o Include the Overview with Hypothesis as the 2nd page of the Powerpoint presentation.

NOTE: For this paper, a Hypothesis is a short statement you believe to be true based on the research you conducted. As an example, after doing research, you might say: “Descriptive Analytics is the most commonly used analytical tool”. The quality and thoroughness of the paper, as defined in the rubric, will determine the grade assigned. Papers containing the minimum number of references and/or minimum number of pages will most likely not earn a high grade

The Network tools we want you to work on is

a) Scanning network tools – 1) Nessus 2) Nmap

b) Penetration and Testing Network tools – 1) Net Sparker 2) Core Security

We want the the Research Paper & Power Point Presentation.Both

Please check the attached files below :

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