Using the fundamental principle of reciprocity in the art and science of persuasion provide three advertisements, commercials, or personal experiences/observations that illustrate this principle. Submit 3 examples (paste ads into the document, include URL links, and/or provide a synopsis), along with a one paragraph description of each clearly indicating how the advertisement, commercial, or personal experience/observation illustrates the principle of reciprocity. Examine in depth how social psychological principles of persuasion are relevant, citing scholarly research (which may include course resources) on the principle of reciprocity in this analysis.

Identify characteristics of the communicator, the message, and the target audience, considering key situational and contextual factors.

Produce a plan to intentionally enhance persuasiveness.

What are various alternative principles and/or techniques one might employ effectively?

Discuss ethical issues relevant to the collected examples, as well as your own persuasive plan.

Apply this insight to personal or professional life. Specifically, how might this insight be utilize moving forward?

use at least three peer-reviewed sources in addition to course readings. scholarly sources are encouraged. integrate your research smoothly rather than simply inserting it.

14 mins ago

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