Select and watch a movie from site and write an analysis that relates to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs AND Deci & Ryan’s humanistic theories of motivations (Refer to attachments ).

When you go to the website, go to the ‘Movie Lists tab, then drop down to Social Psychology or the Psychopathology Lists, which includes movies on Anxiety, Mood Disorders, Psychotic Disorders, Substance Abuse Disorders, Personality Disorders and Dissociative Disorders. Also include how Deci & Ryan’s humanistic theories of motivation can affect the level of self-actualization.

Refer to this link to better understand Deci and Ryan’s Incentive Theory of Motivation and Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation AND link on Abraham Maslow’s Theory

Include all (5) levels of Maslow’s pyramid. For some of the levels, you may have to infer that your character has certain needs met or not met. You need to select a character with a mental health dysfunction or psychological disorder when analyzing the movie. To receive full credit, refer to the attached rubric with the required criteria and pg. 331-335).. This is not a formal APA paper.

Also include a powerpoint of your movie analysis, an additional 10 pts can be earned.

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