Based on the scenario in the Vila Health: Conflict Resolution media activity, create the type of PowerPoint presentation you would give to hospital leadership to prepare them to deal with situations such as the one in the media activity.


Conflict is inevitable among members of any team, but especially during high stress situations, such as sometimes occur in health care. As a health care leader, you will be called upon to resolve conflict on your team and within your organization. Not only will you have to manage conflict that occurs with you directly, but you also will have to handle conflict situations where you were not involved and not present.

Before beginning this assessment, complete the Vila Health: Conflict Resolution media simulation.

Create a PowerPoint deck with speaking notes for a presentation you would give to hospital leadership to prepare them to handle situations such as the one in the  Vila Health: Conflict Resolution simulation. When you have created your PowerPoint deck, create an audio recording in which you present the information in your PowerPoint deck.

You are free to organize your presentation in whatever way you like. The following outline describes one way to structure your PowerPoint presentation:

1. Cover slide: One slide that includes the name and number of the course, the name of the assessment, submission date, and your name and contact information.

2. Introduction slide: One slide that provides a brief overview of conflict resolution as it relates to the incident described in the Vila Health simulation. This is the elevator speech of the simulation and captures an overview in a list format. Provide two short paragraphs in the speaking notes to support the points made in the list.

3. Background slide: One slide that explains the background of the incident described in the Vila Health simulation.

4. Analysis of the situation: A section of two slides that explains how a lack of cultural competence can compound already stressful situations and impede collaboration.

· Describe the communication techniques that were used in this simulation that should be avoided in situations that involve diverse cultures.

5. Communication slide 1: One slide that lists at least two communication strategies that leadership can use to help the organization resolve conflicts like the one in the simulation. These should be communication strategies that hospital leadership should promote within the organization going forward to resolve conflicts like this in the future.

6. Communication slide 2: One slide that explains the role of relationships in communication.

· You may wish to discuss relationships between leaders and followers and leaders overseeing teams.

7. Communication slide 3: One slide that explains the role of communication in teamwork and collaboration.

8. Application of literature to the case study: One slide that recommends strategies that could be implemented to improve the relationships between nursing and housekeeping in the Vila Health simulation.

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