Policy Analysis Paper Instructions

Assignment Objectives: 

1. Explore and analyze health indicators in the community (Miami-Dade County).

2. Identify a problematic area of interest to advanced nursing practice.

3. Evaluate and analyze three health policy options/alternatives for improvement supported by evidence (using a selected policy analysis tool)

4. Prioritize and recommend one health policy to address the healthcare issue.


1-Students are to submit a paper of 6 pages excluding title page and reference pages.

2-Paper must be completed in APA format and contain current scholarly sources dated from 2019 until current.

Paper Steps 

1-Instroduction: you should introduce the topics you will be discussing in the paper and provide a bit of context about the approach.


Identify a healthcare issue that, in your opinion, is a problem that calls for a policy solution, so the first step is to determine the policy issue of interest.

-Identify the key stakeholders/ and or key factors of previous efforts to address the policy issue. These are the individuals and groups likely to affect or be affected by new policies taken in response to the policy issue under discussion. Identify key factors such as political, social, economic, practical, legal or quality-of-care factors.


The conclusion summarizes the findings and recommendations of the entire analysis. This focuses on the student’s paper outlining key points that have been learned and assessed throughout the paper in a comprehensive and succinct manner.


The paper should contain current scholarly sources dated from 2019 until current.

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