OVERVIEW: You will write an essay of at least 3 full pages and no more than 5 pages in which you will make and prove a unique point about an LGBTQ2+ and/or gender and/or sexuality topic that is significant to you. This essay needs to be focused, and it must make a unique argument or assertion.
In this essay, you will focus on one aspect of the human experience of gender or sexuality, one subject or issue of the LGBTQ2+ community, or a topic that otherwise relates to the course material and what we have discussed in class. Think of it this way: this essay is where you show you can apply and extend what you have learned this semester. It is your chance to dive deep into one very specific subject. Your topic, focus, and argument will be decided by you. You may already have a very specific point you will make in your essay in mind, or you may want to select a larger issue and then narrow it down to something more specific. For example, you may start with the broad issue of “LGBTQ2+ Representation in the Media” and then narrow your focus to researching and discussing the representation of asexuality in television and film. This is just an example. Here are some issues to consider:
LGBTQ2+ Access to Medical Care LGBTQ2+ Representation in the Media Violence Against LGBTQ2+ Communities
The Erasure of LGBTQ2+ People in Education and History LGBTQ2+ Community Dynamics (such as Exclusions) Anti-LGBTQ2+ Law or Policy
Remember that one of these is not your topic overall! They are much too broad. Instead, they are to help you get started in considering a topic by showing you some issues and themes we could explore. The essay should make a unique thesis statement and contribute to our understanding of a specific subject or issue; in other words, do not simply explain a very broad topic, do not simply summarize another argument or a set of points made in any other readings, and do not just give a history or report of a topic. Example: Rather than the point of your essay be: “The US fight for marriage equality occurred throughout the 2000s” you should state a claim about the topic: “Evaluating the US fight for marriage equality reveals that assimilation efforts do harm as well as liberate: when efforts continue the circulation of wealth and maintain the privilege of those in society, policy change does not reach those already underrepresented in LGBTQ2+ populations.” The latter is a claim about the marriage equality efforts in the US that the rest of the essay would prove, whereas just focusing on marriage equality in general might not lead to any particular claim. Please be sure you have a claim, or if it is helpful to think of it as an assertion, claim, stance, or position you’ll prove, one that shows that you can apply what you learned in the course.
For the essay, you must give your position or unique “take” on a topic related to gender and/or sexuality, and you must support that position in your writing. The weakest essay would be one in which the main point or argument is unclear, vague, unethical, or doesn’t display what you learned from the course (or one in which a strong argument is not proven with evidence).
You will need to include at least 3 academic and reliable sources and use MLA or APA formatting. (Tip: You are free to use as many of selections from our required readings, and/or textbook as you would like, but since I want you to be doing individual research, everyone is required to find 2 sources that were not required reading this semester. In other words, whether you use one of our required readings or 3, this means you are required to find and incorporate at least 2 sources beyond any provided in class.)
Many times in academics we are told not to use “I” in writing—for this paper you can use “I” because you will be writing about a topic is significant to you or interests you. This, however, does not mean that the
paper will be written casually nor should the focus of the writing be on you, the author. Remember this is a formal research essay, so the writing is focused on the research and proving the thesis, but you can use first person (“I”) in this assignment because it might be helpful for you.
Your essay will be assessed on the strength and originality of your thesis and your support as well as your proficiency and accuracy in utilizing the terms, concepts, and approaches central to our course. Your essay will also be assessed based on the clarity of your writing, use of sources, proper documentation, and adhering to page length requirements. Please see the rubric included on a page that follows more detail on the assessment.
At least 3 full pages (not 2 ½!)—the 4th page will be the works cited or references page. You can write a longer paper, but try to keep it to 5-6 pages. Anything too much more means your argument was not fit for the short examination we want to complete here, or your argument is not clear and therefore you have spent too much time circling with ideas.
Please use MLA or APA format for page layout, meaning how the document looks, such as spacing, font, heading or headers, margins, etc.
Use MLA or APA format for citing sources both in the text and on your works cited/references page. You must use one of these styles and document all sources. These writing styles and rules will not be covered in a lot of depth in the class, but that does not mean you do not have to follow them closely and accurately. I am happy to offer help if you contact me, and I also encourage you to utilize resources provided to you, such as the Writing Center in ED 184.
Incorporate at least 3 academic sources. These sources should be written by experts, peer-reviewed, and/or are otherwise published by an academic platform. Please know that librarians are available to assist you with research! You can even chat with them!
Include an informative and interesting title, and please be sure to proofread your essay before you turn it in!
Due Date: Wednesday, May 8 by 11:59 pm. The essay should be submitted in a .doc or .docx format to the appropriate submission area on Canvas.
THE WHY OF IT ALL, OR WHY STUDENTS COMPLETE AN ESSAY LIKE THIS IN THE CLASS: Having students complete the short essay aimed at having them:
– Show critical literacy in key terms and concepts within LGBTQ2+ Studies.
– Write to interrogate sexuality and gender as social categories.
– Analyze issues of systemic power, privilege, and oppression.
– Explain the intersections between sexuality and gender in relationship to other social locations.
– Analyze contemporary LGBTQ2+ movements and politics or LGBTQ2+ art and media.
– Demonstrate the ability to apply material to contexts outside the classroom.
This is the “why,” but it might also help students begin to brainstorm a possible topic and argument.
The rubric on the following page will be used in assessing your essay:
Criteria Advanced Proficient Acceptable Not Acceptable
Introduction & Main Point
Begins with a catchy title and an engaging introduction. Main point is clear. Paper is appropriate length.
Interesting title and introduction. Main point is stated. Paper is appropriate length.
Adequate title and an introduction. Main point is unclear. Paper is a page short.
Ineffective introduction. May not include title. Paper lacks main point. Paper is much too short!
Thesis & Focus Clear, specific and interesting thesis is provided and also connected throughout the paper.
Thesis is stated and is somewhat specific and connected throughout the larger paper.
Adequate thesis but it is unclear or too vague and not connected to the paper.
Inadequate or no thesis. Paper is missing this essential element that connects thoughts together.
Paper takes on an LGBTQ2+ issue in unique and thorough way. Paper demonstrates an expert and advanced understanding of human behavior and/or institutions.
Paper takes on an LGBTQ2+ issue in a strong way. Paper demonstrates a clear understanding of human behavior and/or institutions.
Paper takes on an LGBTQ2+ issue but in an inconsistent way. Paper demonstrates a developing understanding of human behavior and/or institutions.
Paper does not take on an LGBTQ2+ issue. Paper does not demonstrate an understanding of human behavior and/or institutions.
Effectiveness of Content
Clearly and critically analyses specific concept. The paper does not take on too broad a focus.
Analysis is centered in a somewhat specific manner but a deeper connection or further exploration is vague. Does not use examples critically enough.
Analysis seems rambling or poorly organized. Or analysis remains on the surface and doesn’t engage in a more critical exploration.
The focus is too broad and unorganized. There aren’t textual examples used as support of specific ideas. The paper contains too much summary of other’s arguments and not an analysis or application of them.
Considers Ethical, Political, and Material Stakes
Clearly demonstrates a connection between the subject matter and people’s, integrating a sense of ethics into the focus of the paper in ways that are unique and engaging. Expertly demonstrates knowledge gained from the queer and/or trans studies approaches (or other approaches) of the class.
Mentions specific connections of the topic to LGBTQ2+ lives. Demonstrates knowledge gained from the queer and/or trans studies approaches (or other approaches) of the class.
Mentions ethical, political, or material stakes but does not weave them in with main ideas and adequate analysis. Essay shows a developing grasp of the queer and/or trans studies approaches (or other approaches) of the class.
Connections between the topic and oppression or ethical, political, or material stakes involved with the topic are not apparent. Essay does not demonstrate understanding of the queer and trans studies (or other approaches) covered in the class.
Critical Thought: Synthesis, Critique, and Overall Use of Sources
Uses 3 academic sources to set up a clear but unique analysis. Essay demonstrates facility in recognizing and synthesizing main ideas of scholarship and ability to critique or build on past scholarship.
Sufficiently uses sources to a positive effect. The paper shows synthesis, criticism or expanding of main ideas of other scholarship in many places.
Uses sources with moderate effect. Some sources are weak or not effective. Essay’s synthesis and building upon sources could have been stronger.
Does not use sources or the use of sources detracts from the content. Essay did not synthesize main ideas well. Essay showed lack of critique and did not present a clear sense of how the essay builds on past scholarship.
Organization Excellent organization and smooth transitions between ideas. The organization creates a unique but clear paper.
Clear organization with appropriate transitions that are easy to follow.
Organization is unclear. Transitions may be difficult to follow.
Little to no organization. Ideas are hard to follow.
All sources are included in the Works Cited/References page and are in correct format. Correct in-text documentation is used.
Apparent effort to cite sources on Works Cited/References page and in- text with only a few minor mistakes.
Includes a Works Cited/References page that lacks academic effort. In- text citations may be missing or inadequate.
Does not include a Works Cited/References page. In-text citations are sloppy or lacking.
Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling
Advanced grammar and mechanics, except when irregularities are used for special effects.
Surface errors are minimal and do not detract from meaning and readability.
Surface errors do not alter the intended meaning. Some sentences may be awkward.
Frequent surface errors detract from the meaning and readability. Essay may not have been proofread.
Conclusion Conclusion is engaging and provides a satisfying sense of closure.
Conclusion is effective and provides a partial sense of closure.
Conclusion provides a minimal sense of closure.
Conclusion is underdeveloped and does not provide a sense of closure.
Extra note: This assignment aligns with your GE AREA D2 requirement. It aligns with the following outcome: Discuss the influence of major social, cultural, economic, and political forces on human behavior and institutions. This assignment will be submitted into your GE eportfolio.
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