Healthcare Policy and Economics

Memorial Regional Hospital is level 1 trauma center located in Hollywood, Florida. According to the American Hospital Directory website, this hospital is a short-term care facility with 981 staffed beds and offers an array of services. These services include, cardiovascular services, emergency services, oncology services, orthopedic services, rehabilitation services, surgical services, and special care services, such as a level 4 neonatal intensive care unit and adult intensive care unit. Memorial Regional Hospital

This organization’s overall star rating from the Care Compare website is 2 stars. It is measured by how well the hospital performs on a variety of care areas compared to other hospital across the U.S. These care areas are categorized into 5 sections: mortality, safety of care, readmission, patient experience, and timely and effective care. According to the care compare website,



Discuss the facility’s Overall Star Rating from the Care Compare website and identify how the Star Rating is measured.  If the facility does not have an Overall Star Rating explain why.

· Overall star rating is 2 stars

· Measured by how well the hospital performs on a variety of care areas.

· For example, treatment of diseases, readmission rates, safety of care.

a.  Identify  one credible additional source of quality data on healthcare organizations.

· The Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) survey is another source of quality data on healthcare organizations. The HCAHPS survey contains 29 questions, 19 of which are focused on the patient’s experience during their hospital visit. For example, patients are asked about the hospitals’ cleanliness and quietness, communication and responsiveness of hospital staff, and their recommendation of the hospital to others. The remaining questions focuses on supporting congressionally-mandated reports and adjusting to the mixture of different patient populations across hospitals in the U.S. Patients may receive this survey either by mail, telephone, active interactive voice response, or by mail and telephone (mixed).

5.  Discuss  two organizational ethics that are reflected in the type of facility and the type of control listed for this organization, including specific examples.

· Memorial Regional Hospital’s mission is to “heal the body, mind, and spirit of those [that they] touch”. Their mission is to provide patient- and family-centered care to

6.  Discuss the nurse’s role in fiscal responsibility for this type of organization related to value-based care, including specific examples.

· Nurses play an important role in an organization’s budget. They are responsible for making cost-effective decisions while maintaining the quality of patient care. For example,



7.  Describe  one healthcare organizational change that could improve the delivery of value-based healthcare for the healthcare organization from part A1.


B.  Compare the financial structure and data of the healthcare organization you discussed in part A with another organization listed on the AHD and Care Compare websites that is within the same or an adjacent state, including specific examples from  each healthcare organization.

1.  Discuss which healthcare organization from part B is more aligned with value-based healthcare, including  one scholarly evidence source published within the last  five years to support the discussion.

2.  Discuss which healthcare organization from part B is more supportive of equitable patient-centered care, including  one scholarly evidence source published within the last  five years to support the discussion.

3.  Discuss  one financial and  one quality data source that could inform organizational transformation in any healthcare organization.


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