Career Movers (B): Professional Growth and Lifelong Learning Action Plan

In a Microsoft Word document, write a minimum of two double-spaced pages where you establish three professional and lifelong learning goals that you are planning in detail to achieve once you’ve completed college (25 points each).

Explain in detail your Action Plan for achieving three professional growth and lifelong learning goals. Your Action Plan could include, for example, descriptions of new or updated skills you will acquire, specific training courses, certificates, licenses, digital badges, or advanced degrees. Your Action Plan could also include which professional associations you will join; subscriptions to which industry journals, publications, webinars, and/or podcasts you will join; professional conferences as an attendee or presenter; or other opportunities for professional growth and lifelong learning. You might also include your goals for mentorship and succession planning.

Check your writing for correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and word usage.

Submit your Professional Growth and Lifelong Learning Action Plan as a Microsoft Word document named ActionPlanLASTName.docx

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome(B) Career Movers Professional Growth and Lifelong Learning Action Plan

Action Plan for achieving professional growth and lifelong learning Goal #1 explained in detail with correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and word usage.

25 to >0.0 pts

Met Requirements

0 pts

Missed Requirements


25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome(B) Career Movers Professional Growth and Lifelong Learning Action Plan

Action Plan for achieving professional growth and lifelong learning Goal #2 explained in detail with correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and word usage.

25 to >0.0 pts

Met Requirements

0 pts

Missed Requirements


25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome(B) Career Movers Professional Growth and Lifelong Learning Action Plan

Action Plan for achieving professional growth and lifelong learning Goal #3 explained in detail with correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and word usage.

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