I need an annotated bibliography for an upcoming paper. It must contain 5 secondary sources and 5 primary sources. It is to be completed in Chicago Turabian format, size 12 times new roman font, double spaced.

My topic is as follows : The encounters and interactions between Europeans and Native Americans under the sphere or lens of the marketplace in Colonial New England. Specifically focusing on the fur trade as my “way in” to an economic study. I will be using the fur trade as a way to narrow the focus of my paper. (The desire is to explore what the economy of colonial New England was like and how the interactions of the natives and the European settlers through economic transactions influenced the growth of the region.)

Below I will attach the PDF with the guidelines and grading rubric for this annotated bibliography. This will include all details and show how it will be graded. (it also includes a link to a sample annotated bibliography in turabian format for reference)

Also below I will paste my previous “topic proposal” it was accepted with the caveat that I narrow my focus using the fur trade.

[Topic Proposal: For my final paper topic, I would like to focus on the encounters and interactions between Europeans and Native Americans under the sphere or lens of the marketplace in Colonial New England. I would like to explore what the economy of the Native Americans was like before Europeans arrived and how that differed from the economy in Europe at that time. The Europeans colonists impacted the way goods, land, and services were valued, traded, and sold. I would like to investigate how the differences in economies between the Europeans and Native Americans impacted the style of economy of Colonial New England, and how this contributed to the growth of a successful settlement. The land in New England was not fertile in the way land was for the Southern colonies, yet they were still able to adapt and establish a successful mercantile economic system.]

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