Show your creativity! Make a representation of a child with any of the challenges in physical development discussed in chapters 4 and 5. YOU CAN DO THIS ALONE OR WITH ANOTHER STUDENT FROM CLASS.
(1) Put the child in the center of your paper. You can use a photo, an image from the internet, or an image that you make on your own. Give the child a name.
(2) Somewhere on your representation, briefly explain the physical or health condition that the child has.
(3) Somewhere on representation, briefly explain/list/illustrate the educational implications that are important to consider.
(4) Use the other space on your paper to represent the WHOLE child. What CAN the child do just like any other child. These are educational “NON-issues”? How would we expect the child to be a class member just like any other child? We don’t want a child to be “defined” by his/her disability!
Please be creative and thoughtful in your representation. Once you have completed your representation, upload it HERE. You can easily take a photograph of your work and upload the photograph here.
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