You will write a concise 750 – 900 word short essay based on a work of art that you actually view and not a reproduction. This is not a research paper, but is a paper based on your own observations and original thought. I expect you to use and integrate key concepts and terminology from class.
For this Reflection, you must visit a local museum or gallery and write a short paper in which you apply the Visual Elements and Design Principles to describe a work of art. As usual, I’m looking forward to reading your original ideas and insights.
Paragraph 1: Thoroughly describe the use of a single visual element
In this paragraph, you will describe, in rich detail, how the artist used a specific visual element in different areas within the artwork. Be sure that your paragraph illustrates and support your topic sentence and conveys the significance of what you have observed. You must include between three and five specific supporting observations from your chosen art object. Each sentence in this part must be clear and descriptive. Please read the examples, below.
Example of Topic Sentence that includes a Visual Element
In Impression: Sunrise, the artist, Monet, uses atmospheric perspective to evoke a sense of space that is both mysterious and convincing.
Example of Supporting Observation (your paper needs to include 5 supporting observations)
For example, compared to the sharply defined details of the figures in the foreground of Monet’s painting, the figures in the background seem to dissolve into the distant haze.
Paragraph 2: Thoroughly describe the use of a single principle of design
In this paragraph, you will describe, in rich detail, how the artist used a specific principle of design in different areas within the artwork. Be sure that your paragraph illustrates and support your topic sentence and conveys the significance of what you have observed. You must include between three and five specific supporting observations from your chosen art object. Each sentence in this part must be clear and descriptive. Please read the examples, below.
Example of Topic Sentence that includes a Principle of Design
In (Links to an external site.)The Incredulity of Saint Thomas, the artist, Caravaggio uses directional forces to lead the viewer through the narrative of the painting.
Example of Supporting Observation (your paper needs to include 5 supporting observations)
For example, on the left side of the painting, the figure of Thomas points toward the wound in Jesus’ abdomen, which reminds us of Christ’s suffering.
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