Today, we have one guest speaker who name is Jun Jin. He is doing presentation about his job CPA, and why he choose accounting job, why is important at real industry, what does he actually do in accounting field. He also talking about his whole life story and what made him to decide to be a CPA. Since he was a high school student, he was really interested in Physics. He did not know what to do when things do not turn out the way he wanted. However, he got the best out of time given to him. He worked many jobs as soon as he gets a chance, and accounting job was not really relation to jobs what he tried on before. Also, he was a international student in United States and there are many limitation to get a job. He grabs good opportunity from job fair in school and now he got a job.

I know international students can not get a job easily in U.S. there are legal limitation; foreign people can not make money legitimately. So, many of international students have to back to their country because jobs are scarce. The one thing I really surprised was that I did not know the job fair in school is not only for eligible native or resident, but also some of company allow international students to apply a job. He did a explanation of real experiences that is easier to understand students. All of terms, tones, poses, and explanations are really good. He actually said he was really shy and quiet but he looks really in confidence in today presentation.

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