Based on readings and supplemented by a review of the global leadership trends, discuss how much you agree/disagree along with your rationale on the six megatrends of global leadership.

Vielmetter, G. (n.d.). About the megatrends. Hay Group. Retrieved July 31, 2017, from…

  • Discussion postings should be approximately 300 words for your primary response and 300-400 words for the secondary response.
  • Please note that the posts should reflect thoughts in your own words and not reproduce any content verbatim from any Internet sites or other materials.
  • Communicate in complete sentences, concise, focused paragraphs, and precise language. Excessively wordy postings are not an advantage, but overly brief posts have little to contribute to the discussion. Provide adequate support for your postings; only agree or disagree with your colleague is not appropriate.
  • Remember to write at least 2 citations in APA format
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