you have to write a coherent text about you and your friend/friends.

Write in FRENCH, of course! Use material you have studied and worked with from Unit 1 A&B and Unit 2 A&B, use also Unit 3 A – don’t rely on the dictionary, but instead on what you KNOW from your FREN 115 class (vocabulary and grammar) and your textbook Units. After you write your passage, be sure and take a moment to check over your work carefully and correct any errors you notice in spelling, grammar, etc.! Remember – translation devices (such as “Google Translate”) are a violation of Academic Honesty. DO YOUR OWN WORK!

(Minimum 8-10 sentences (at least 50 – 60 words overall) – TYPED in a word document, Times New Roman, double-spaced, 1 inch margins) – I will count off if this is not done!

Be sure and try to include transition words like “et (and); mais (but); ensuite, puis – these two words mean ‘then’; après (after), aussi – also” to help make the content flow smoothly and not sound “choppy”.


1) Write 25 – 30 words for this topic: Mon ami, mon amie et/ou mes amis (My friend and/or my friends). Tell me all about your friend or friends – his/her name, his/her ages (you might even mention when their birthdays are – if you know!) and what they are like (describe their personality and their appearance using the adjectives). Are they CCU students? What is their major? Etc.

2) Write also 25 – 30 words for this topic: Moi et ma vie à l’université (Me and my university life). Tell me about yourself – What are you like? Your personality and appearance and what kinds of activities you like to do? What kind of courses you are taking this semester (Be sure to incorporate vocabulary about days of week/times of day when you speak about your activities and courses).

You are expected to use grammar and vocabulary from Unit 1 A&B and Unit 2 A&B. But also, use Unit 3A, Vocabulary, p. 120, sections : ‘Adjectifs descriptifs’, ‘Professions et occupations’.

VERY SPECIAL NOTE: As mentioned above, you cannot use ‘google translate’ or any translation device for completing this assignment. You can believe me that it is very easy to notice when ‘Google translate’ is used. Please note that if I see that a translation device was used, then Journal Entry 1 assignment will be graded as 0(zero) points.

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