From the syllabus:

You are expected to see two live music performances over the course of the semester. These can range from performances at the Cat’s Cradle to those part of the Carolina Performing Arts season. We will discuss upcoming performances in class. You will write a response (650-1000 words) to each performance you attend for class. These are similar to the reading responses, but have a focused performance that you must analyze using course concepts. Using the ideas and concepts we have talked about in the course, you will discuss the role of your object or site within the context of contemporary popular music culture. Don’t write a simple summary or review of the performance. While these aspects may be included, the primary goal of the paper is to analyze and critically engage the performance using course theories and concepts. One performance should be something you would regularly see over the course of the semester and the other performance should be outside of your comfort zone, or something you wouldn’t go to were you not in this class. You should see at least one of the performances with at least one other person from this class.

You are expected to use relevant concepts up to the day you turn in your response. You should not recreate your analysis from your reading responses. While some of what you say in those may be relevant, the analysis should be new and push your understanding further. Thus, you should try to use new concepts that you have not engaged yet. Should you somehow be unable to attend a performance in time for the assignment, please let me know.

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