Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that addresses the following scenario and questions:

Your aunt recently received the annual report for a company in which she has invested. The report notes that the statements have been prepared in accordance with “generally accepted accounting principles.” She has also heard that certain terms have special meanings in accounting relative to everyday use. She would like you to explain the meaning of terms she has come across related to accounting.

  • Go to the FASB website and access the FASB Concepts Statements and use the IASB website to respond to the following items. (Provide paragraph citations.) When you have accessed the documents, you can use the search tool in your Internet browser.
  • Explain how “materiality” is defined by both FASB and IASB.
  • The concepts statements provide several examples in which specific quantitative materiality guidelines are provided to firms. Identity at least two of these examples. Do you think the materiality guidelines should be quantified? Why or why not?
    • The concepts statements discuss the concept of “articulation” between financial statement elements. Briefly summarize the meaning of this term and how it relates to an entity’s financial statements.

Apply the Codification for GAAP to accounting situations.

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