Answer the 3 questions below and reply to each student.
Student Reply must be over 200 words.
Make sure all student replies you start it with Hello (Student Name),
Please upload each question in different word documents.
******Question 3 must be APA format and i have attached the GRADING RUBRIC. *************
Question 1:
A company that needs help with implementing a process you have little familiarity with has contacted you. Although you could most likely learn it, you would not be a subject matter expert in the period in which they need you. You are certain you could learn the process and could use the extra income, as your consulting has been a little slow. What are the implications for deciding not to take the assignment? What are the implications for taking the assignment? What would you do and why? Respond to two classmates’ posts.
Student Reply 1: Tirza Gonzales
As a consultant, if I were approached for my services in assisting with implementation of a process that I am not too familiar with, I could see the following implications for taking the assignment
– Ethically not being authentic in my decision to enter into a contract with a client
– Potentially lose the client entirely by providing information on a topic that I took even though I knew I was not an expert in the process
As a consultant, if I were approached for my services in assisting with implementation of a process that I am not too familiar with, I would see the following implications for not taking the assignment:
– Losing the client’s confidence and faith in my consulting abilities and decide to no longer utilize my services
– Losing out on income
– Losing out on an opportunity to work on a process that I am not familiar with, but could have learned if I would have taken on the assignment
– Could have entered into an agreement and be a “linker to resources” for the organization to utilize outside my services
– Enter into an agreement, hire a sub-consultant that may offer
– Expertise in the process; while having opportunity to learn process at the same time
My final decision would to be ethical and be honest with the client. “Being direct and respectful of clients is almost always appreciated, because they want to be effective; It also builds trust” (Bierema, 2014, sec. 3.3). I would inform them that I am not very familiar with the process, but that if they decide to enter into a contract, I would immediately pursue the knowledge needed and/or find additional resources, such as a sub-consultant, familiar in the process to assist with the implementation. I would hope my honesty, my past work experience with the client, and my willing to go above and beyond for the client outside my regular scope of work and skills would be enough for the client to still decide to enter into an agreement with me.
Bierema, L. (2014). An introduction to organizational development. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.
Student Reply 2: Robert Beckley
I feel Organizational Design Consultants (ODC) carry with them specific criteria 1) credibility, 2) integrity, and 3) a portfolio for getting results for their clients. In this instance, it is important, to be honest, and upfront with the customer to ensure the proper expectations are set early. When an ODC does not have the subject matter expertise (SME) of the project, they essentially become a pair of hands to help in the project (Bierema, 2014). However, in some instances, that is all that a company requires so, again ensuring the expectations of the project are clear and concise is imperative to taking or passing on the opportunity.
Not taking the task based on the company’s expectations can be a two-edged sword; on the one hand, you lose out on the project and the income that is associated with the new work. On the other hand, being upfront and lettings them know you do not have the necessary skills to successfully put your name on the job build credibility, which may lead to future projects. Taking the project and its failing is almost a guarantee path to a lost customer.
Of course, there are other possible options; you could take the job, partner with a SME that is capable of assisting you with a successful role out of the project. It may eat into your bottom line, but in some instances, some income is better than no income. In this instance, you maintain credibility, integrity, and success.
For this scenario, I would approach the project this way, 1) Have a conversation with the client about the program and the desired outcomes 2) learn as much as possible about the program, so I have, at least, an operational understanding of the project and its talking points, and 2) partner with a SME that is capable of addressing the specifics or filling in the blanks. Assuming that the client is already familiar with my firm and services, they would have sought out another ODC more aligned with the program.
Bierema, L. (2104). Organization development: an action research approach. Retrieved from:
Question 2:
Describe your experience with a consultant, either from your place of employment (current or previous), in the community, or as the consultant yourself. Thinking of this week’s lecture and the components of a contract, did he/she follow that process? If not, what was missed? Describe your experience.
If you do not have experience with a consultant, recall a situation from your experience where you would have benefited from having an OD Consultant. What would you have done as a consultant? Why? Respond to two classmates’ posts.
Student Reply 3: Laura Lawson
Recently I had interactions with a consultant from our Human Resource Department. They were completing a focus group with employees trying to verify with employees that the company was sticking within all boundaries of both the law and the cultural ethics that were established by our CEO. This contract was an internal Consultant and Client relationship. For the most part, the consultant explained everything clearly and provided information on the contract.
There was an element of the contract that the consultant did not disclose appropriately, confidentiality expectations. When the employees entered into this focus group, we did not know this was something that was deemed confidential. We received an email after the meeting, which advised us to please keep the details of the meeting to ourselves. Luckily, I am not in the habit of water cooler talk, however without disclosing that information the consultant did run the risk of a confidentiality breach within the focus group itself, simply from a lack of timely communication. Bierema (2014) advised that “internal consultants are in a tougher position and might be pressured to share data collected on a problem with someone higher up in the organization”, without clarifying that we should not disclose information from the meeting, the consultant left the door open for the employees to discuss the topics with their supervisors. However, once we were aware of the confidentiality of the situation, we were able to say that we could not disclose information.
The moral of this experience for me is always to communicate thoroughly, even if you think it’s an obvious statement. By ensuring you have covered all bases, you can ensure that there are no future issues that occur.
Bierema, L. (2014). An introduction to organizational development. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.
Student Reply 4: Justin Butler
I have not had the opportunity yet within my job to use a consultant. However I have been asked to be a consultant/worker for an outside agency fro the one I currently work for. In my current place of employment we have aircraft that are charged with the safe and reliable transportation of our nations leaders. As such, those aircraft are among the most well kept planes in the world, from their maintenance to their cleanliness. The Air Force museum in Dayton Ohio reached out to use to consult with them for a proper way to restore their fleet of retired presidential airplanes. They opened a new hangar and moved all the airplanes into one side. They wanted to restore the luster of the airplanes to back when they were active and ready for the President. Because our motto is “Perfection is Standard” they knew that we had the expertise, drive and dedication to help make their dream a reality. So we assembled 6 teams to go there sporadically throughout the year and restore one aircraft at a time. We had the knowledge, the tools, the supplies and the manpower to make it happen. We were the subject matter experts on cleaning if there ever was one. Even though we were acting as external consultants to the museum, we took pride in their presidential aircraft program just we were internal employees( Bierama, 2014). Our pride and since of ownership came from the the priceless history of our mission that was captured in the hangar. Over the course of the year we worked with the museum staff and completely restored the look of the airplanes to the day they were mission ready on our flight line.
Bierema, L. (2014). An introduction to organizational development. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc
Question 3:
Write a two- to three-page paper (excluding the title and reference pages) defining the various components of the roles and styles of Organizational Development Consultants (ODC). Based on your research, compare and contrast the roles and styles of an ODC and explain the role and style that would best fit you as an ODC.
You need to utilize at least two scholarly sources (excluding your text) for this paper and your paper must be formatted according to APA style guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
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