All students are encouraged to use their own words.

If the assignment shows more than 25% plagiarism, the students would be graded zero.


Please go to Exercise 3.3 of Chapter 3 of your textbook (Page 117). The exercise is as follows:

Ms. Jones is a clerk in a small office that faces frequent deadlines. There is constant pressure on the staff to increase production. Very often there are arguments among the staff; more often than not, Ms. Jones seems to be the instigator of the arguments. Although Ms. Jones’s work is satisfactorily completed, the unit’s production is often late and incomplete, and morale is very low.

  • Assignment Questions:

Q1.Does Ms Jones need counselling or not?

Q2. If yes, why?

Q3. What is the importance of employee counselling in an organisation?

Q4. Counselling should not be viewed as punitive, but as a problem-solving session. Discuss.

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