Create a research proposal. To assist you in the creation of that proposal, you have decided on a research topic and begun collecting empirical studies to support the need for research. Your topic must relate to a basic social psychological principle; however it can fall into one of the applied subfields (forensic psychology, psychology of religion, industrial organization, health psychology, etc.).
For this assignment you will begin analyzing the current research around your chosen topic: Health Psychology and Depression.
Using the empirical articles you have collected thus far, compare the current research for your chosen topic, in 1,250-1,500 words. The following information will assist in the analysis of the literature:
- Introduction: This section should include your research question with a brief explanation of why the research is needed.
- Compare and analyze the literature in the articles collected.
- Compare the limitations of the studies you have collected.
- A conclusion that includes how your research will add to the current field of research.
Prepare a document that includes your research question(s), including how your research will add to the current research in your chosen field (from your Topic 3 assignment). Your document will include five scholarly, peer reviewed, empirical studies from the past 5 to 7 years. This section should include APA formatted citations for each article, including permalink or doi number.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.
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