For this assignment, please write a one entry annotated bibliography on the Alexander George (1997) article from the week 1 reading. George, Alexander L. “Knowledge for Statecraft.” International Security. Summer97, Vol. 22 Issue 1, p44. 9p.
Begin by providing a citation for it in the reference list format of the Turabian style. For examples, please see the Turabian Quick Guide located under the resources link.
Next, write a paragraph that summarizes the problem being addressed in the article, the purpose of the article and the conclusions made. In other words, why did the author decide to write this article? What does the author hope to achieve? What does the author argue, and how does he support his argument? What did the author conclude in the end?
In a final paragraph, critique the argument of the author. What do you agree and/or disagree with?
Your submission should be approximately 1-2 pages in length (double-spaced), free from errors and demonstrate your understanding of the material and topic. Please upload your work as a .doc or .docx file.
Although these examples from the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) differ in the citation styles and purpose of each paragraph, they are good for getting a basic idea of the task.
Citation for article: 15
Paragraph 1 – Summary of the Article: /30
Paragraph 2 – Critique of the findings of the author: /35
Writing – Style and Grammar: /20
Total: /100
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