Journal Article Summary
Students will use the Library Guide ( to search for a professional journal article related to a health and aging issue of interest to the student. For example, a student who wants to be a Physical Therapist may wish to research a Physical Therapy journal and gain insight into a recent study on stroke rehabilitation while a Nursing student may wish to research quality of care in acute care settings. You are free to choose a journal article found through this Library Guide on a topic of your choosing that also relates to health issues among the older population. Students will be responsible for the following:
- Selecting and carefully reading a recent (2015 to current) article on a topic of their interest. This needs to be downloaded as a pdf article and uploaded with the assignment to the assignment dropbox.
- Condensing the key points of the article into a 2-page summary in their own words (using the required formatting). This must be done using full sentences and paragraphs. Bulleted lists are not acceptable for this assignment.
- The student must then type a 1-2 page paper in which they describe why this topic is important and what they found interesting about the reviewed article.
Students will be graded using the following criteria:
Addresses key points of the article in the summary |
Up to 4 points |
Quality of writing for the summary (sentence structure, grammar, spelling) |
Up to 3 points |
Quality of writing in the 1-2 page reflection |
Up to 3 points |
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