Answer EAch question with 250-300 words, and cite with APA format, all answer could be on the same paper but number it and put the question before the answer
- Describe what you think counts most in terms of happiness at work and why. Choose from the points given in the article, Cooper, C.L., & Wood, S. (2011, July 15). Happiness at work: Why it counts. Retrieved from
- Discuss whether the results of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale and the Multidimensional Anger Test suggest something you did not already think about when it comes to depression and anger. Describe anything you found to be helpful.
- Post a developmental analysis of your temperament, sense of self and personality.
- The textbook offers an example of such an analysis on page 95.
- The post should be at least 3 paragraphs in at least 250-300 words: 1) a paragraph describing your personality in terms of temperament, 2) a second paragraph describing what aspects of your culture effected development of what aspects of self-efficacy and 3) a third paragraph describing your personality.
- Post a reflection on bullying.
- The post should be at least 3 paragraphs in at least 250-300 words: 1) a paragraph reflecting on examples of what constitutes bullying, 2) a second paragraph reflecting on the exacerbation of bullying facilitated by social media and 3) a third paragraph reflecting on ways to reduce bullying and its effects.
- 5. The incorporation of the Second Amendment is the official recognition of the amendment as an individual civil right. What problems do you see in the Second Amendment being incorporated into the criminal justice system?
6.What is the central controversy of the Second Amendment and can Congress constitutionally enact further gun restriction measures?
7.Jared sought treatment for depression but his assessments revealed that he drank each night and has lost his job as a consequence of his drinking. He experiences withdrawal symptoms if he does not drink daily. Additionally, Jared revealed that while he is biologically male he is feeling isolated and depressed because he identifies with the female gender. What would you diagnose Jared with? What treatment plan would you recommend and why? Additionally, find an article that applies to Jared’s diagnosis and your recommended treatment plan and include a link in your response. Review the textbook and other resources available this week and refer to at least two of the sources provided in your response.
- Post a reflection on bullying.
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