In this assignment, you will summarize two conflicting arguments and then, by identifying positions upon which both side could agree, you will establish some consensus between the two writers.
- Your paper must be 1000-1200 words in length; quoted material and bibliographic information on the Works Cited page do not count toward this total.
- Your paper should adhere fully to MLA documentation style; five points may be lost based upon MLA inaccuracies.
- The final draft of this paper must be submitted to Canvas.
- Students are prohibited from writing about subjects that served as a basis for extensive class discussion/activity or that were the subject of sample papers.
- Students are not allowed to write upon topics that they have already discussed in previous papers.
- This paper is a research assignment; you will need to find, read, cite, and document
- two articles from the SIRS Issues Researcher database.
- Students should focus on a policy issue (i.e. laws and regulations) rather than write upon non-legislative matters (e.g. is social media good for us? etc.).
- A full-length CQ Researcherreport on your chosen issue; “short reports” are not acceptable. This CQ Researcherreport must have been published in the last ten years.
- Students are not allowed to write on the following topics:
Organizational Strategy:
The following is a basic model of the consensus paper; you should emulate this design in your own paper.
- 1)Introduction.
- 2)Body. What are the two opposed positions of your authors on the issue?
- 3)Conclusion. What is the middle-ground/consensus position?
- Play the role of arbitrator between opposing parties. Establish any common ground upon which the two authors could meet. Upon which core assumptions could the two authors agree?
- Introduce your topic to your reader. What is the issue? Why is it important?
- Present the policy issue as a question at the end of the introduction: “the question, consequently, is whether the government should, or should not, be allowed to collect phone records for all residents of the US.”
- Summarize the articles one by one.
- Clearly articulate the thesis of each article. Then proceed to explain the points that the writer uses to support his/her argument.
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