For this Portfolio Project, prepare a PowerPoint presentation in which you present your own philosophy of leadership to a work team in your workplace and apply it to a specific problem or opportunity. For example, you could apply your philosophy of leadership to an upcoming change in the organization or an opportunity to launch a new product or service.
Be sure to draw from your knowledge of your leadership and communication skills. Include responses to the following prompts as part of your presentation:
- My personal philosophy of leadership is…
- The purpose of my leadership is to…
- The best leaders can be described as…
- For me to be an authentic leader, I need to…
Note: Feel free to use first person language in this assignment.
Remember, you must support your thinking/opinions and prior knowledge with references; all facts must be supported; in-text references used throughout the assignment must be included in an APA-formatted reference list. Include five to seven references cited in the assignment. Include at least two peer-reviewed articles as reference sources.
- Your presentation should be twenty to thirty slides long (Not including Cover Slide or references)
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