
In the Independent Research Project (IRP), students conduct an analysis project using SAS primarily and Excel as needed to analyze real-world data.

In the first assignment (IRP Research Question and Data Set), you identified the data set you wanted to use, developed a research question, and identified a statistical question that could be answered analytically.
In this assignment, you will create and submit a business memo (template attached) that clearly communicates your analysis of the data set you identified in the previous assignment. When you submit this draft of your IRP, you will get feedback from your classmates and your instructor. You should use this feedback to improve your IRP.
In later assignments (IRP Memorandum, IRP Presentation, Presentation Questions Reply), you will submit the final version of your IRP, create and submit a PowerPoint presentation that summarizes your IRP, present your analysis via a recorded video presentation, and answer questions about your presentation.
Peer Review of Draft IRP

Submit your draft IRP to this assignment. It will be reviewed anonymously by three of your classmates. You will also be asked to review the IRPs of three other students. Please be kind and constructive in your comments. Take the feedback you get from this peer review to improve your IRP that will be turned in the next IRP.

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