The purpose of this assignment is to help you facilitate and apply your understanding regarding socialization, culture, groups, and the Sociological Imagination.
For this assignment, you can either walk through the toy section of a store or examine toy websites. If you prefer to examine websites, here are some suggestions.
Take a notebook to record your observations or have one next to you as you look at the websites. You may either take a photograph of the notes or type them up. I encourage you to look at the rubric for this as the field notes are worth quite a bit (50 points).
Examine the toy sections, the types of toys, and the gender differences. Answer the following questions. Each answer should be 5 sentences. Think sociologically and think about socialization.
1. What adult roles are children taught through toys? What adult roles are taught to the girls? What adult roles are taught to the boys?
2. Examine the Barbie doll section and the G.I. Joe toy section from your observations. **If your observations did not include GI Joe, I suggest you go to Amazon and do a search for those toys** What do you see as a sociologist? Be specific. What does the toy represent? How are Barbie and GI Joe different? Are they similar? Be specific. What is this communicating about gender? Relate this back to socialization.
3. Watch the following videos that has a reenactment of the 1947 Clark and Clark doll study (Links to an external site.)and then a more recent version of it as well that spans across cultures: Doll Test (Links to an external site.) What do these videos tell you about toys and socialization? Be specific and use the videos to help you; make sure you cite which video you are referencing.
4. Read the histories of Barbie (Links to an external site.)and GI Joe (Links to an external site.). Read also the short article about the actualities of a life-size Barbie (Links to an external site.). Discuss why it is important to examine the socialization through toys. Be specific and use the articles to help you; make sure you cite the articles.
5. Please be sure to include your notes (whether it is a picture or your typed out notes).
6. Please be sure that your assignment is submitted in a .doc, .docx or .pdf.
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | |||||
Quality |
25.0 pts |
Sociological Imagination |
25.0 pts |
Research |
25.0 pts |
Critical Thinking |
25.0 pts |
Observation notes |
50.0 pts |
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