Annotated Bibliography:

  1. Two peer-reviewed articles in any business management topic
    • The reason the study was conducted
    • What research design was used (surveys, interviews, case study, etc.)
    • Which research analysis was used (MANOVA, ANOVA, Kruskal Wallace, etc.)
    • The results of the study along with any conclusions of the author(s)
  • APA format
  • 2 References
  • 400 words minimum

Power Point:

Each is to prepare a PowerPoint presentation consisting of 5 slides not including the cover slide and the reference slide. Every slide needs to include 100 words in the Notes section. At least two reference in APA format


The Civil Right Rights Act of 1964. Each group member will pick a topic and thoroughly discuss the chosen topic. You should tell (1) why it is important, (2) how it has impacted the workforce, and (3) if that topic has impacted you.


Thoroughly discuss the pro’s and Con’s of internal and external recruiting.

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