Watch the TED Talk by Boroditsky. After you have watched the TED Talk, answer the following questions in response.

As you watch the TED Talk, you may want to follow along to the Transcript (or text) of the speech or refer to the transcript when you are answer the questions for this talk.

Click Here to read/download Boroditsky’s speech.


  1. What is the speaker’s main argument? Or what is her thesis?
  2. Name at least 3 specific examples/pieces of evidence he uses to support her argument?
  3. What was the biggest takeaway that you had from this video? What interested you the most?
  4. What kind of stories is Boroditsky telling her audience in the speech?
  5. How does Boroditsky organize her speech? In connection with Question 4, when do those stories show up in her speech? When does she tell those stories? Is there any pattern you can discern or figure out from where she places those stories (specific evidence?
  6. What is Boroditsky’s purpose? What does she want from her audience?
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