As you read in the 1967 Task Force Report on police, and will again in the 2016 report, police training is still a consistent recommendation. However, there appears to be a lack of consistency in what knowledge, skills, and abilities are important for the profession.
While there are general recommendations on critical thinking, writing, and communication skills, these recommendations are often made without community involvement on the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) they would like to see in their police officers.
When you place this into points raised in both reports, the police work for the community and are beholden to the community, which makes their involvement in these discussions important to improving community relations and the delivery of police services.
In this assignment, you are going to further develop your writing and analytical skills. Specifically, you are going to create a 4–5-page report that identifies and explains the knowledge, skills, and abilities you believe are important for police. As you develop this report, assume that it will be submitted to your local police department. For each KSA you select, consider why you believe it is important and how it helps facilitate better policing.
The specific steps are as follows:
- Select at least 2 of each specific knowledge base, skills, and abilities that you believe are important for officers to possess.
- You will have at least 6 KSAs identified.
- For each selected KSA, write at least 1 paragraph explaining why you believe it is critical for an officer to possess, and 1 paragraph explaining how it helps facilitate better policing.
- Use at least 1 scholarly resource to support your selection.
- Write a conclusion summarizing why you believe these specific KSAs should be valued within the police organization.
- Use no fewer than 3 scholarly resources.
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