As a human services professional, it is important to understand the role that organizations play in the lives of families. Organizations can provide advocacy for families, provide socialization for children, and address important resiliency concerns such as discrimination, stigmatization, and emotional/psychological supports. Review Chapters 1, 2, and 3 in your text and conduct research in the Purdue Global Library to apply your knowledge of how the family environment can influence the behavior of individuals.

For this Assignment, please respond to the following:

  • Identify key factors in the family environment that influence the behavior of children both positively and negatively.
  • Identify one organization in your local community that provides socialization programming for children and provide a brief description of their services. Then, discuss how this organization’s services promote resilience for the entire family.
  • Using the organization you identified above, create a unique community program or intervention that the organization could use to promote socialization and positive behavior for children and promote family resilience.

Assignment Guidelines

Your Assignment should be a 3- to 4-page expository essay (not including the title and reference pages) and should include the following elements:

  • Title page: Provide your name, title of Assignment, course and section number, and date.
  • Body: Answer all the questions in complete sentences and paragraphs.
    • Your responses should reflect professional writing standards using proper tone and language. The writing and writing style should be correct, accurate, and reflect knowledge of developing and delivering family services.
  • Reference page: Sources in APA format
    • Include a minimum of two scholarly or academic sources in addition to your text to support your responses and conclusions.
    • Make sure that all sources listed on the reference page correspond to in-text citations in the body of your paper.
  • Use Arial or Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced and left aligned.
  • Use standard 1″ margins on all sides.
  • Use APA formatting and citation style.
    • If you need assistance with APA style, please visit the Academic Success Center.
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