For this task, please read the instructions carefully.

Peer Review Explained

Peer review is reading another student’s essay and evaluating it based on the rubric, just like the instructor does.

The purpose of peer review is giving you an opportunity to read another’s work and think about what makes the essay clear or vague and how the author can improve the essay. I believe that it will help you to think about what good writings should look like.


Fill in Peer Review Format doc. (Total word counts should be above 250)

How to Peer Review

There are four criteria that used to grade. Your task is grading a paper written by your classmate using the rubrics. You decide the score and leave comments.

1) Guidelines (20pts)

– Whether the essay meets the requirements, including the number of citations and word counts.

– The lowest score is 5 pts.

2) Clarity (10pts)

– Whether the essay is well-organized and easy to follow.

– Deduct points if the essay includes too many typos and errors.

– The lowest score is 6 pts.

3) Summary (30pts)

– Whether the essay includes the summary.

– And whether the summary includes the main arguments/points of the reading.

– The lowest score is 15 pts.

4) Thoughts (30pts)

– Ideally, an essay should have a clear argument and supporting evidence based on the readings.

– Sometimes, an essay shows the author’s good understanding of the text but does not include a clear argument. In that case, there will be points deduction in this category.

– The lowest score is 24 pts

5) Late submission: deduct 3 points a day.

*** lowest score is the base score that a student gets, even when the essay does not meet the requirements. For instance, a student gets 15 points for summary even when the essay does not include a summary. (I know it sounds absurd, but I have to give some base score so that students who submitted assignment can get some credit.)


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