I need this assignment no later than 9:30pm central Sunday 10/6/19. Please see the attachment.
Specifically, in this assignment, you will submit parts of the following elements of your Project 2: Historical Analysis Essay for review by your instructor: In Theme: Analyzing History, Learning Block 5-4 (page 5), you worked toward the following element: I. Introduction: In this section of your essay, you will introduce your readers to the historical event you selected. Specifically, you should: A. Provide a brief overview of your historical event. For instance, what background information or context does the reader of your essay need? In Theme: Analyzing History, Learning Block 5-4 (page 1), you worked toward the following element: B. Based on your research question, develop a thesis statement that states your claim about the historical event you selected. Your thesis statement should be clear, specific, and arguable, as it will give direction to the rest of your essay. Please note that the numbering included above directly aligns with the numbering of these elements as they are presented in the Project 2 Guidelines and Rubric. For your final historical analysis essay, you will also include body paragraphs, a conclusion, a reference list, and your essay’s overall message, but you do not need to include them in this submission. You will be prompted to build upon this progress check submission to prepare your final historical analysis essay for submission in Week 8.
Guidelines for Submission: The Essay Progress Check 1 must be submitted as a one-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Follow the formatting of the example included in Theme: Analyzing History, learning block 5-4 (page 5), and include identifying information (name, course code and title, name of university, and date) as well as section headings (revised thesis and introduction) as appropriate.
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