Research the relationship between Social Determinants of Health and Health Equity relate to health in general.
Find statistics that report the prevalence and incidence of your assigned health condition for various socioeconomic/sociodemographic groups. Be sure to cite your sources. (Note: For statistics on prevalence and incidence, you might want to use government websites, such as or
Read at least two (2) articles that explain the SDH that might be impacting individuals with this health condition and that may explain differences among groups. A literature review article less than 5 years old would be a good choice. All other articles should be recent empirical studies (i.e., studies that produced data and have a results section with statistical analyses or qualitative analyses). As much as possible, choose empirical studies that were published no more than 3 years ago.
- Explain the prevalence and incidence of your assigned health condition for various socioeconomic/sociodemographic groups.
- Describe SDH that might be impacting individuals health condition, based on your findings.
- Explain how SDH relates to the prevalence, incidence, morbidity, and mortality of culturally diverse individuals.
- Identify whether there are health disparities among groups and SDH. Explain factors that account for these health disparities.
- Be sure to include references and examples from the articles you found.
You are not limited to written text in your group space. You may also use graphical data, photos, audio/video that you create or other types of information.
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