Case StudyMntrni is a mobile application that connects aspiring entrepreneurs with experienced and successful mentors in lots of different areas and specialties. The goal is to help them answer important questions and make crucial decisions. In the beginning, the platform attracted mentors in entrepreneurship only, however, now there are more than 30 mentors in 13 different areas. The process of booking a session with a chosen mentor is done through the application only. When a new client signsup, he/she will choose the area of mentoring, then choose from the available mentors who have experience in that area, finally choosing the time of the session. The mentors have the capacity to set the times for the mentees to choose from as well as accepting or rejecting the sessions. The platform is looking to expand soon and is currently looking for investors. Up to date, Mntrni had over 7500 minutes of free mentoring since its launch in November 2017

Assignment Questions

1.Build the ultimate buyer persona for Mntrni?

2.Suggest 3 to 5 different revenue streams ideas that will work with this brand, you can use single or hybrid revenue sources and justify your reasons for each.

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