While you may employ comparison-and-contrast techniques, comparing the two texts should not be a goal in itself; therefore, your paper should not become a simple list of similarities and differences between the two texts. Keep in mind that you are still required to write an argumentative paper, with a clear thesis statement and supporting ideas. Your thesis statement should answer the following question: What messages or ideas about individuals and their role in society do the texts convey and what specific means each text uses to convey those messages?

This paper is not asking for a review of your chosen texts (i.e. whether you like them or not). Instead, stay focused on the analysis in terms of the messages they send about your topic. Beyond the introductory paragraph, do not spend time simply summarizing the literary (or visual) texts you’ve chosen. Focus instead on making a clear set of points regarding the messages about individual and society being sent within your chosen texts.

Please note that all literary works listed above are available to read either in your textbook, Arguing about Literature, or online (just click on the title to follow the link). Also, DVD copies of the two film titles are available at the Broward College Library.

Before beginning to work on this assignment, read the chapter titled “Strategies for Writing a Comparative Paper” in Arguing about Literature (pages 112-120) and all course lessons in Learning Unit #2. To help you get started in your analysis, look for details within the plot, the portrayal of characters, dialogue, sound and visual cues, and/or even framing preferences that might send messages about gender.

For this assignment, YOU MAY NOT DO ANY ADDITIONAL RESEARCH beyond reading the assigned literary works (or watching the assigned movies) and studying the theoretical chapters in Arguing about Literature. You must develop your paper based on your own ideas and observations (informed by the readings and class discussions) and the assigned essays in this learning unit to support your comparative analysis. Therefore, you should choose those texts about which you feel you can develop an intelligent analysis. Since you are required to include some info/quotes from the assigned literary works (or films), you will need to properly cite your sources in order to avoid plagiarism. Therefore, make sure your review the D2L Lessons on avoiding plagiarism and the MLA citation style or APA citation Style included in this Learning Unit in order to prepare for this paper assignment.

Key Requirements:

  • You must develop your paper based on your own ideas and observations (informed by the readings and class discussions) and use one of the assigned essays from Arguing About Literature to support your analysis of the visual text.
  • This paper must adhere to MLA style or APA style guidelines. Confirm with your instructor which format he or she would prefer you use on this assignment. Information about these style guides and your academic pathway is listed on the syllabus. Additionally, there are modules within this unit on both MLA and APA style specifically for this assignment. You will need to properly cite both your sources in order to avoid plagiarism.
  • This paper must be at least 5 paragraphs in length AND must be at least 1000 words long. This generally equals at least 3 complete pages. Do not exceed 4 pages. If you do not meet the minimum length requirement, you will not earn a passing grade on the paper
  • Make sure to upload each assignment as a Word document (.doc or .docx) in the Assignments tool within the Assessments tab above.

Any plagiarism on this paper or any of the steps in the writing process will lead to immediate failure of this course, so please do not make that mistake.

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