In general, as discussed by the principle of population, overtime, resources grow. But, the problem he finds is that human had the tendency to use abundant resources to regenerate themselves, instead of using the abundant resource to increase their standard of living.

Eventually, resources grow with the people’s standard of living, but people will generate themselves faster than the rate at which the resource grow. The lower of standard of living eventually because of too much population. In the conclusion, society will geminate the seed of destruction of their own.


you may start the critic by providing with a contradictory logic of theories: for example:Lack of contraception, and the woman’s status.

Empirical evidence: this is some ideas about wiring the assessment: assess women’s education, and role of women’s education played in percentage of female’s employment in labour force by assessing statistically publicly available data, to critic the principle of population. Also, for this part, the statistical data is essential, you may also need to include some charts or econometrics to briefly explain and analyse.

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