Political Humor Paper Topics

Choose one, and choose wisely!

4-5 pages.

1)Find 5 political cartoons or memes that resonate with you and write up a

one page analysis of each. The analysis should include a broader

discussion of the issue raised by the cartoon itself. Don’t just tell me what

the cartoon is about, tell me why it’s significant. Explore the content of the

cartoon from many angles. You can also choose an issue and find cartoons

that offer different interpretations. Please include copies of your choices in

the body of the paper.

2)Choose any comedian – either one we watched or one we haven’t – and

compare and contrast their material/message with that of a more

“legitimate” public figure (politician, pundit, commentator, activist,

philosopher, author, civil rights figure, TV host, world leader, etc). How do

they line-up? Where do they diverge? Where do you stand, and why is one

generally perceived as more credible?

3)Choose a comedy film or television show and write about its politics.

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