One of the most controversial issues surrounding police administration involves the use of deadly force. Often regardless of the outcome, even when there is no human death, such incidents can generate a public outcry and require police leaders to be immediately engaged in reviewing the incident and examining the need for policy changes going forward. Several incidents demonstrating the use of deadly force, without human loss, are presented in the following materials found in the course content along with discussion of the policy of using deadly force at the federal level.
1. April Witt, Washington Post, 2009
2. New Mexico State Police Shooting (Oct 28, 2013)
3. FLECTC video of federal standard (2012)
The two incidents actually occurred. As the senior police leader of these organizations you would not only need to address what happened, including any disciplinary action, but you would have handle the rights of the victims or property owners. Finally, you would have to determine if policies should be revised.
The paper should utilize information from discussion discussions, reading materials and any other relevant scholarly journals that the student deems useful. Reference materials should include a minimum of three (3) scholarly works, with at least one from material outside of the course content.
The minimum paper length is 8 pages that includes the Title, Abstract, and Reference pages.
The format of the paper will be as follows:
- Cover page with name, course title and number, running head, and date submitted
- Body of paper:
- Which police actions would you argue were morally or ethically wrong?
- Which police actions were appropriate?
- How should you as the senior police leader in the jurisdiction handle the concerns of the victims or property owners?
- If the jurisdictions involved in the two incidents were using the federal standard, why or why not were these incidents of deadly force in compliance with the federal standard?
- What policy changes would you suggest regarding the federal standard?
- Abstract with keywords that provides the purpose of the paper
- Brief overview of the cases and summary of the relevant facts
- After reviewing the salient facts in these incidents, please discuss your answers to the following :
- Conclusion
- References Page in APA format
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