Community Health II: Cancer and Smoking Education Project:

An education plan should be developed in order to decrease the number of adults that smoke. The number of cancer patients that continue to smoke after being diagnosed should be decreased as well.

Community Health Nursing II builds upon the foundation provided in N492 Community Health Nursing I. From a theoretical and scientific framework, the concepts of epidemiology and disease transmission, comprehensive assessment of risk factors and health problems, program planning and intervention, environmental health, and collaboration with the interdisciplinary team are explored. The practice experience component focuses upon developing and evaluating health promotion programs, family assessment, community assessment, and community-based home care within the context of the community. The nursing process is applied with the goal of promoting and preserving the health of populations. It is anticipated that 70-100 practice experience hours will be required to complete this health promotion project. **Please note, students who hold an RN license in WA are required to complete a minimum of 80 practice experience hours in this course.

project paper and Power Point Presentation Guide:

  • Apply a knowledge base of community health nursing and health teaching skills to the development an educational project with a focus on illness prevention, health promotion, and/or health maintenance of individuals, families, and groups
  • Demonstrate use of information technology in data gathering and analysis of a community or a specific population group
  • Analyze a community assessment to plan a health teaching project that meets the needs of communities and populations
  • Create an educational project that can be utilized by public and community health nurses to improve the health status and eliminate health disparities of individuals, families, communities and populations
  • Implement the planned teaching project to the selected target population
  • Collaborate with community partners to provide education designed to improve population health
  • Upon completion of your paper, Record and present using Power Point, diagrams, charts, graphs, Etc.
  • Essay part should not be less than 10 pages excluding title page and references all in APA format.
  • Power point slides should be between 12 to 15 slides.
  • Remember to complete the project log hours on the log sheet.


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